Your Colon, the toxic waste dump!

Even with one bowel movement per day, you may still have at least two meals (that is , if you are takiing only 3 meals a day) worth of waste matter putreying in your colon! No one that lives on today's modern diet can escape the formatoon of mucous and metabolic wastes that plaster in the colonic wall, accumulating layer upon layer, year after year. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, "An under-actove colon is common to most people these daysand over 9% of Americanss are walking around with clogged colons. :Many of us could be walking with 10 to 25 pounds of accumulated and putrefied waste in our colon! One of the most famous and highly respected surgeons in American history, Dr Harvey Kellogg, said: "Of athe 22,000 operations  I have personally performed, I have never found a simple normal colon."

This is why everyone needs a thorough colon cleansing: the very best of diets can be no better than the very worst if you are carrying around toxic waste in your colon. Left untreated over time, constipation can hinder the process of metabolizing food and the absorption of nutrients from the food you eat. Over time, a constipated colon will become partially blocked, severely distorted and dysfunctional.


Another reason why it is so important to cleanse your colon is because your clogged colon is a perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria and parasites, or in the words of National Geographic, "a sinister world of monstrous creatures that feed on living parasites."

As reported by National Geographic in its award-winning documentary. The Body Snatchers, "In fact parasites have killed more humans than all the wars in history."

We might share our world with parasites, but nature does provide us with powerful herbs and substances that help keep our colon safe and clean.


There are a total of one hundred trillion bacteria living together in our GI tract. These bacteria manufacture substances that raise or lower our risk of disease and cancer. Some of these bcteria offer us protective and healing properties. This group of friendly bacteria is called intestinal flora or probiotics. The two most important griups of flora are the lactobacilli, found mainly in the small intestne and bifidobacteria, found primarily in the colon. These bacteria live symbiotically within us in a mutually beneficial relationship to enhance our health and theirs.

The healing properties of lactobaclli and bifidobacteria were discovered back in the early 1900s. They are described in the book: The Friendly Bacteria - how lactobaclli and bifidobacteria can transform your health by William H. Lee.

"Beginning with Metchnikoff (a Nobel prize-winning researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris) in 1908, researchers and clinician kave shown lactobacilli and bifidobacteria to possess important theapeutic properties significantly affecting:-
  • digestion,
  • microbial infection, including yeast,
  • immune system enhancement,
  • cancer,
  • and a range of other health concerns.
Every human being is endowed with a colony of bifidobacteria at birth. However , poor eating habits, chlorinated drinking water, stress, disease and the consumption of antibiotics can destroy good bacteria and allow undesirable bacteria to multiply.

Regular supplementation of friendly bacteria can prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria and the diseases caused by a toxic colon, much like having your garden filled with good plants rather than weeds!


We may have overlooked vitamin C as only a remedy for boosting our immune system or far worse, a "use it when you are sick" supplement. However, its health-boosting benefits go far beyond fighting the common cold and flu. The fact is: nutritional scientists have discovered that this powerful antioxidant is important in supporting the health of the colon, cardiovascular system, kidneys, bones, respiratory system and more.

Yes, vitamin C is an important  and potent antioxidant that may reduce the risk of cancer by neutralizing free radicals that can damage our DNA. Studies on rodents have shown that vitamin C has been able to inhibit colorectal cancer and decrease faecal mutagenicity in humans (the degree or measure of ability to cause mutation). The study foci]used on intake specially from individual vitamin C supplements, rather than intake from diet, multivitamins or the combination of both because individual vitamin C supplements contain doses many times greater than those typically obtained from a diet and/or multivitamins.

The need for vitamin C is far greater than meets the eye. Our body does not manufacture it and we need to daily supplement it in order to guard our colon and protect our body against the assault of pollutants. Besides vitamin C builds connective tissues that support your body in the same way that iron rods support tall buildings. Connective tissues hold various organs & glands of the body in their proper place. If the connective tissues of the colon or womb or kidney break down, we will have disconnected and 'floating' organs!

Scientific research has found that vitamin C works best when supplementedtogether with bioflavonoids as vitamin C Complex. It is apparent that the function of bioflavonoids is to protect vitamin C against cellular destruction.
  • Department of Epidemiology and Surveillance Research, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, Georgia.